Saturday, 11 August 2012

Does Your Dog Need a Dog Bed?

Like humans, pets need care, love and comfort to lead healthy and happy lives. Where your dog sleeps can have a big effect on its health and habits, so it's something you need to consider very carefully. While dogs are great to snuggle with, inviting them into your bed can lead to a host of problems down the road. After sleeping in your bed, even for a short period of time, dogs expect it to happen over and over again. Once you approve that type of behavior, it's very hard to teach your dog that it's actually not okay after all. Pets need consistent training to really understand what is expected of them, so sending mixed signals can make it harder to train your dog in the future.
In addition to contributing to your pet's behavior problems, sleeping with your dog can have a negative impact on your health. If you are a somewhat light sleeper, a dog can constantly disrupt your sleep. Dogs can also damage expensive bedding and bring fleas or potentially dangerous bacteria into your bed. The best solution to keeping both you and your pet happy is getting one. There are hundreds of high-quality beds available in today's market, so it's very easy to find one that fits both your pet's needs and your budget.
They are especially important if your pet sleeps outside on the porch or in the dog house. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors are constantly exposed to the elements, which can eventually lead to serious health problems. In fact, even if your dog sleeps in your home but spends a lot of time outside it's a good idea to get a dog bed, so your pet can be comfortable if it needs to lie down during the day. While a bed won't protect your dog from rain or snow, it's perfect for dealing with hot or cold temperatures and drafts. Bedding provides a protective layer against cold or hot surfaces and blocks drafts that can cause colds and soreness. It's great for protecting younger dogs and a must-have for older pets that need special care. Dog beds make perfect cushions for elderly dogs with arthritis and joint problems.
Besides health benefits and protection from the weather, a dog bed is great for training your dog and giving it a sense of security. Dogs are naturally territorial, so they need to have their own space. A bed also lets your pet know that you are in charge and that the rest of the home is your domain. Establishing the chain of command that puts you at the top makes it much easier to train your pet and control its behavior.
When choosing a dog bed, remember to pick one that corresponds to your pet's size and comfort needs. Dogs that have health conditions might need special beds that provide extra cushioning or firmness. While your pet's dog bed shouldn't take up too much of your space, make sure that it's big enough to accommodate your pet when it needs to stretch out or turn over. Remember to keep the dog bed in the same place, so your pet can get used to sleeping in it and thinking of it as its own personal space.
Berker's Dog Beds - Your source for the best elevated dog beds, chew resistant dog beds and large breed dog beds.

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How to Succeed With Your Dog Training

Dog Behaviour and Training Problems

Successful training for your dog:The Results from the Correct System
Through the eyes and minds of the specialized dog training expert the most caring and successful training results come from a well know method throughout the dog training industry, this system has such positive effects on your dog and makes the training method much easier to handle, it is a very simple system although you may find it harsh at the first insight to it.
The system although its original ideas came from a once very popular technique in the way we trained our dog omitting the severe inhumane methods that it once held, such things like the shock collar for barking dogs these methods are not necessary when training your dog, the system we now use is a very effective and has more human care effect.
The system we are going to get our results from when we train our dog was once known as positive reinforcement training which really just means using a stern and rewarding method, you form quite stern commands to your dog and when the dog takes notice of your command he gets rewarded. On the other hand if the dog refuses to listen and disobeys your commands then you ignore his behaviour and so he receive no rewards he will soon realize that difference between right and wrong.
Is this positive reinforcement training a simple and humane way of training your dog?
YES! A dogs natural instinct is to please you therefore using the positive reinforcement system works with your dog as these lessons give more meaning the method allows your dog the time to figure out what you are asking and work it out under its own steam instead of being forced, take for an instance the command DOWN which you would repeat time and time again forcing the dog down to the ground, you will get a faster response allowing the dog to use its own brain.
A great way to give a positive response to this training process is to use meaningful rewards, dogs tend to get bored really quickly with a pat on the head and to be truthful dogs don't like to be patted on the head with a good girl response next time you do this watch your dogs reaction you will see it cowl and back away
To give high standards to your dogs training try using incentives to tempt them for their good behaviour, their favourite food treat and affection are classed as a primary incentive among dog trainers as these methods are both significant rewards that your dog responds to and are powerful and reliable.
However make sure the timing is right when your dog obeys you! remark on their behaviour while giving them a treat so they understand which behaviour has earned them that reward, another way is to show to pleasure in a way that if you say sit and they obey say "Yes" in a happy and excited tone this works perfectly with their training not forgetting the treat.
Make sure you stick to the same method throughout the training and be consistent with it your dog will soon realise that a treat is forthcoming for his response.
You must decide before training commences on which command you are going to give your dog and stick to it so that when the training starts it has only once command for instance you want to stop your dog from jumping up at people, you wouldn't say "get down" and "stop jumping" as this would confuse them pick just one command, dog learn through consistent repetition better known for "Action associated with one particular phrase"
All dog have one particular treat that they love maybe it's an edible treat or it could be a toy that they find affection, you will know which it is as your dog will show you by either do a back flip or run round in circles this will demonstrate to you his excitement, to keep your training consistent give just one command and reward it with that treat.
Stroking your dog the best way: the winner has to be having their chest rubbed between the forelegs although they do like the lower part of the back scratched gently this is usually at the base of the tail, try rubbing their ears with the thumb and finger gently rub the flaps of the ear. As for their favourite food it's not hard to figure out just experiment with assorted food treats the dog will let you know which one they like best, the great thing about positive reinforcement training is that this system does not require you to do anything that you would find unsuitable, it does not consist or warrant and weighty correctional theories or undertake any form of harsh punishable measures, when it comes to the positive reinforcement system training all that is needed from you is to ignore the bad behaviour letting the dog know that you don't want this behaviour to be repeated,by ignoring the dog and giving them no attention will make your dog feel pretty miserable and that make this system a very powerful tool.
It is believed that in dog training we should just ignore incorrect responses to a training command as negative attention is better than no attention at all your dog will stop the behaviour of her own accord, the greater the response to good behaviour and the more fuss you make of it will give your dog the connection between right and wrong behaviour. This article will give you a great basic insight into the more helpful attitude and methods you can use with the positive reinforcement system even though the subject of training remains very complex and it would be a good idea to learn as much as you can about effective training.
One excellent resource that I would recommend is Secrets to Dog Training: the ultimate training and knowledge database for dog owners, with a focus on preventing and dealing with behaviour problems, obedience work and tricks, Secrets to Dog Training covers a variety of topics in detail it is a manual for dog owners worldwide, you can check out Secrets to Dog Training by clicking the link below.

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